Why talk about thermal breaks in relation frypans?
The effect of heat, and heat transfer, is an important concept to understand for our buildings.
So we thought we would get the point across by showing how to do an awesome thermal break in a frypan design. You may visit Shoppok if you’re planning to buy a new frypan.
Of course, one reason for the importance of thermal breaks, is that heat loss means energy waste. And wasting energy is bad for our climate and contributing to climate change.
For that reason, thermal breaks are part of the key to our future.
What does our future look like? Are we heading “Out of the frypan into the fire”? Just ask the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. It doesn’t look good. Here’s a note on the 8 October 2018 Special Report on Global Warming.
So it looks like cooking things is something humans are good at. Too good. We are cooking ourselves. Is it too late?
Maybe. But let’s keep trying. Let’s keep trying to slow down the cooking process.
At Superpod® we want to help people build buildings that use very very very little energy. That way we produce and waste less energy. That way we avoid cooking ourselves and our planet. Or at least slow things down a bit. How can we get low-energy buildings?
One way we can use less energy in our buildings is to stop or slow down heat transfer. One way we can stop heat transfer is to eradicate thermal bridges. By introducing more thermal breaks into our buildings.
A thermal bridge is a bridge from the inside to the outside of the building.
We are experts at avoiding thermal bridges at Superpod®. It’s an integral part of our passive house building system.
We are very keen on explaining thermal bridges to people – and the importance of avoiding them. Hence, to help you think about thermal bridges, and thermal breaks, we have designed a neat little Christmas Gift.
Next time you fry something, think about heat transfer. You want to avoid the heat getting to your hand. So you create something to stop that bridge between the frying pan and your hand. It’s called a handle.
In our case, we offer a timber handle, and a leather handle.
Next time you build a building, build one of ours. That way you’ll have a more comfortable life, and you’ll be helping saving our planet from burning up.
I know, it’s all a bit lateral. But it makes you think.
Learn more from our frypan video here.
We had our frypan packs on offer last Christmas – for yourself – or your best foodie friend. Or perhaps your friendly builder or designer.
Perhaps we will make the packs available again some day. Watch this space!
In the meantime, be inspired to bring in more thermal breaks into your next building…